6 Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

The eagle, a symbol of freedom and vision, has long been associated with leadership qualities. Here are six leadership principles that we can learn from an eagle:

1. Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes.

They don’t fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds.

Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes.

Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes.

MEANING: Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company.

2. Eagles have an Accurate Vision.

They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km away. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.

MEANING; Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed.

READ MORE: 10 Signs That You Are More Intelligent Than You Think You Are

3. Eagles do not Eat Dead things.

They Feed only on Fresh Prey.

MEANING; Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past.

4. Eagles Love the Storm.

When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, the eagle uses the storms wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree.

Eagles Love the Storm.
Eagles Love the Storm

MEANING; Face your challenges head on knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges, rather they relish them and use them profitably.

5. Eagles Prepare for Training;

They remove the feathers and soft grass in the nest so that the young ones get uncomfortable in preparation for flying and eventually flies/ when it becomes unbearable to stay in the nest.

MEANING; Leave your Comfort Zone, there is No Growth there.

6. When the Eagle Grows Old,

His feathers becomes weak and cannot take him as fast and as high as it should. This makes him weak and could make him die. So he retires to a place far away in the mountains. While there, he plucks out the weak feathers on his body and breaks its beaks and claws against the rocks until he is completely bare; a very bloody and painful process. Then he stays in this hiding place until he has grown new feathers, new beaks and claws and then he comes out flying higher than before.

MEANING; We occasionally need to shed off old habit no matter how difficult, things that burden us or add no value to our lives should be let go of.

Below, more BONUS Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

1. Soar Above the Rest

Eagles fly at high altitudes, not with sparrows or other small birds.

Leadership Lesson: Like an eagle, a true leader doesn’t waste time with petty concerns but rises above them, seeking broader horizons.

Source: Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

2. Keen Vision

An eagle can spot prey from several kilometers away.

Leadership Lesson: Leaders must have a clear vision. They see farther than others and can navigate towards their goals with precision.

Source: Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

3. Fresh Pursuits

Eagles only feed on fresh prey, never dead animals.

Leadership Lesson: Leaders focus on new opportunities, not past achievements. They are always moving forward to new successes.

Source: Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

4. Embrace Challenges

Eagles love storms because they use the wind to lift themselves higher.

Leadership Lesson: Leaders embrace challenges and use them to rise to greater heights. They find the silver lining in every cloud.

Source: Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

5. Preparation for Growth

Eagles prepare their young for flight by making the nest uncomfortable.

Leadership Lesson: Leaders understand the value of growth and discomfort. They push their teams out of comfort zones to foster development.

Source: Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

6. Renewal

When an eagle’s feathers grow old, it retreats to renew itself.

Leadership Lesson: Leaders periodically need to reflect and renew themselves to continue leading effectively.

Source: Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

In conclusion, the eagle teaches us to rise above the mundane, maintain a clear vision, seek new opportunities, embrace challenges, prepare for growth, and understand the importance of renewal. By embodying these principles, leaders can inspire their teams to achieve great heights.



When you meet young people – INSPIRE THEM.

When you meet children – EDUCATE THEM.

When you meet old people – HELP THEM.

When you meet wise people – STUDY THEM.

When you meet wise people

When you meet leaders – HONOUR THEM.

When you meet foolish people – AVOID THEM.

When you meet humble people – TREASURE THEM.

When you meet arrogant people – IGNORE THEM.

When you meet gracious people – EMULATE THEM .

When you meet aspirational people – ELEVATE THEM.

When you meet strong people – SUPPORT THEM.

When you meet godly people – BLESS THEM.

When you meet elderly people – RESPECT THEM.

When you meet weak people – STRENGTHEN THEM.

When you meet hardworking people – ENCOURAGE THEM.

When you meet kind people – ESTEEM THEM.

When you meet Honest people – PROMOTE THEM.

When you meet virtuous people – REWARD THEM.

When you meety evil people – EVADE THEM.

And in all situation “ Watch, Pray and wish everyone well.

Never force a relationship.

Sometimes it’s better to move on, than to hold on to a person who doesn’t understand who you truly are. Unfortunately there will be times where your absence will teach you what your presence cannot.

Never force for a relationship

You need to stop breaking your own heart in trying to make a relationship work that clearly isn’t meant to work to begin with.

You can’t force someone to genuinely care about you.

You can’t force someone to be faithful to you.

You can’t force someone to be the person you need them to be.💯💔

The truth is, sometimes the person you want the most is the same person you would be best without.💯

You have got to understand some things are meant to come into your life, just not meant to stay.

Everything that you do to show love, you have to be careful, not to lose yourself by trying to fix what should never been there in the first place. You can’t get the relationship you need from someone who’s not ready to reciprocate the love you give to them.

I know it’s hard when you meet someone and your heart feels, that’s the person you could spend an eternity with, and you start to accept that they are not that person you thought they needed to be.

And no matter how many times you cry yourself to sleep at night, you will eventually heal from your previous relationship and find the one you have always longed for. Your future will now bring an understanding of why things didn’t work out in your previous relationships.

One thing I have learned throughout the years, is “It is better to be single than to be in a relationship settling for less.”💯

If they see you as an option, then they don’t deserve to be a priority in your life.💯

Take my advice and never chase someone who’s not chasing you.💯🙌

Life lessons by greatest personalities accros the world:

Dr. Ben Carson said, “I struggled academically throughout elementary school yet became the best neurosurgeon in the world in 1987.”

LESSON: Struggling is a sign that you are on a verge of success. Don’t quit yet.

Bill Gates said, “I didn’t even complete my university education but became the world’s richest man.”

LESSON: School does not make you rich. School is only supposed to polish what will make you rich, not make you rich.

Christiano Ronaldo said, “I told my father that we would be very rich but he couldn’t believe me. I made it a reality.”

LESSON: Your words rule your life. If you mean what you have said, each word will come to pass. You get what you say.

Hear Lionel Messi!, “I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training and still became one of the world’s best footballers.”

LESSON: Believe in your dream. Don’t let your pain tell you how your future will look like.

Steve Jobs penned, “I used to sleep on the floor in my friends’ rooms, returning coke bottles for food, money, and getting weekly free meals at a local temple, I later on founded Apple Company.”

LESSON: That you are small today doesn’t mean you will be small tomorrow. Keep trusting God.

Former British PM, Tony Blair said & I quote, “My teachers used to call me a failure, but I became a Prime Minister.”

LESSON: Don’t let someone else’s opinions of you become your reality.

Bishop David Oyedepo said, “I started Living Faith Church from a lawn tennis court with three members only & preached prosperity. Many of my friends criticised me, but today we have the largest church auditorium in the world & two world-class universities.”

LESSON: Believe in yourself even if no one does & never think of quitting.

Nelson Mandela said, “I was in prison for 27 years & still became president.”

LESSON: You can be anything you want to be no matter where you have been or what you have been through.

REECE “I drove a taxi to finance my university education but today I’m a billionaire.”

LESSON: Don’t let your past decide the kind of future you need to have.

Harland Sanders, Founder of KFC said, “I was on the verge of suicide when an Idea of opening a restaurant hit me after I retired as a cook in the Navy.”

LESSON: Nothing is ever too late. “Too late” is a language of failures. Your future can begin at any age. Don’t ever let AGE limit you.

Aliko Dangote said, “I worked for my uncle since I was a small boy, people looked down on me. I later on took a loan from my uncle to open a tiny shop. I worked hard to make ends meet. Now I am the richest Man in Africa.

LESSON: Failures or limitations of the past have no control over the greatness in you. To him that believes, all things are possible.

Barack Hussein Obama said, I am the son of a black immigrant from Kenya, I graduated from Harvard and later on became a Senator in Chicago. I was also the President of the most powerful nation on Earth.

LESSON: Never design your life like a garden where anyone can walk in and out. Design it like the sky where everyone aspires to reach!

Arnold Schwarzenegger said, I traveled to America in search of financial independence when I was 15 years old. I became the world’s strongest man 7 times and Mr Universe. I then got my Economics degree, then I became one of Hollywood’s best actors before I was voted twice as governor of California.”

LESSON: Don’t wait for everybody to believe in your ability and dreams.

Beloved endeavour to be good to people you meet everyday, fear God, and live peacefully with all men knowing full well that if we don’t meet to part, we will part to meet one day.



Source: EYA Oliver Uchenna® [Facebook]


You never really know the true impact you have on those around you.

You never know how much someone needed that smile you gave them.

You never know how much your kindness turned someone’s life around

You never know how much someone needed that long hug or deep talk

So don’t wait to be kind

Don’t wait for someone else to be kind first

Don’t wait for circumstances, or for someone to change

Just be kind, because you never know how much someone needs it.



The richest man in China said, “If you put the bananas and money in front of the monkeys, the monkeys will choose bananas because the monkeys don’t know that money can buy a lot of bananas.

In fact, if you offer WORK and BUSINESS to people, they will choose to WORK because most people don’t know that a BUSINESS can make more MONEY than a salary.

One of the reasons the poor are poor is because the poor are not trained to recognize the entrepreneurial opportunity.

They spend a lot of time in school and what they learn in school is to work for a salary instead of working for themselves.

Profit is better than wages because wages can support you, but profits can make you a fortune.

Let’s remember these tips 💝💪💝

12 Interesting Lines that Will Keep You Going When Times Get Tough.

1. “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”—Joshua J. Marine

2. “Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.”—Les Brown

3. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”—Martin Luther King, Jr.

4. “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”—Confucius

5. “When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”—Franklin D. Roosevelt

6. “To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.”—Gail Sheehy, Author

7. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”—Joseph Kennedy

8. “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”—Maya Angelou

9. “The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.” —Randy Pausch

10. Life may be hard, but resilient people are harder.

11. Mirror is your best friend, because when you cry, it never laughs.

12. But remember that real situations reveal fake friends.



Some people give up because the world has crushed out their will to live, to fight. They have fought so long and so hard only for everything to have come back crashing down on them and they can not take it anymore.

A person can only take so much before they collapse. Some can handle more than others. Exhaustion sets in; mental exhaustion, physical exhaustion… and they just can not go anymore. They keep hearing everyone telling them, “Oh, you can handle this, you can do this.” but they just can’t.

They lack the strength to try. Those encouraging words end up hurting like a bullwhip because you are beating them with “helpful encouragement”.

When they don’t, they further give up because they get told, “Oh, you must just be lazy or like being miserable.” No…. if they could garner the strength to go one more step or try one more time, they would. They are hurting so much already because they feel like they are not meeting expectations and demands of everyone around them.

To give up, it’s a last choice. It means just turning yourself off, going through the motions of being alive but you are dead inside. Your spark is dead. There are people out in the world who are still walking around, working, doing the bare minimum in their life to just get by…. but have been dead since they were young.

The world and the expectations heaped on them killed their spirit and with out that.. we die. Some literally, others figuratively.

In all these…”NEVER GIVE UP”


Keep your plans private. Keep your financial status private. Date in private. Marry in private. Quarel in private. Raise children in private. Flourish in private. Disagree in private. Break-up in private. Don’t be excited by social media attention. If the relationship fails, keep it private too. Keep your life as private as possible. It will cost you nothing.

Keep your plans to yourself and avoid sharing them with others. Your goals are precious, so keep them safe from the influence of others.

Keep family issues confidential and avoid discussing them with others, especially strangers. Family is a sacred bond, so protect it by keeping it within the family.

Don’t disclose your financial status to everyone you meet. Money is a sensitive subject, so keep your financial information private to avoid unwanted attention.

Don’t reveal personal information, such as your address, to strangers. Your safety comes first, so protect yourself by keeping personal information confidential.

Avoid discussing the private aspects of your life, such as your daily routines or personal habits. Your privacy matters, so keep your lifestyle details exclusive to you.

Actions speak louder than words, so let your achievements do the talking. Humility is a virtue, so let your actions and knowledge speak for themselves. Refrain from broadcasting your life to strangers.



1. READ TO Acquire knowledge.

2. READ TO Improve memory.

3. READ TO Strengthen critical and Analytical skills.

4. READ TO Advance your career.

5. READ TO Improve writing skills.

6. READ TO Reduce stress and anxiety.

7. READ TO Improve focus and concentration.

8. READ TO Boost Inspiration and Motivation.

9. READ TO Learn at your own pace.

10. READ TO Stimulate Imagination.

11. READ TO Improve conversation skills.

12. READ TO Become more empathetic.

13. READING HELPS you Sleep better.

14. READING helps you secure a Source of companionship.

15. READING Increases your lifespan.

16. READING Connects you to the right people.



Source: EYA Oliver Uchenna®️

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